Hammond Castle featured on Ghost Hunters!

Tonight on Ghost Hunters, TAPS journeys Gloucester, Mass, to investigate Hammond Castle, the spookiest, hauntedest castle EVER!  And Hauntedest isn't even a word!

Great news!  Josh Gates from Destination Truth is guest investigating- he lives right near the castle and has been hearing the ghost stories since he was a kid.

John Hammond and his wife, Irene, built this gothic style castle in the 1920s.  The wealthy inventor was a strong believer in the paranormal and Mr. Hammond even promised that after his death he would return to this realm as a black cat.  Claims include disembodied voices, moving objects, uneasy feelings and full-bodied apparitions.

John Pettibone, castle curator and director, who maintains the creepy décor that the Hammonds had purchased to reflect their eccentric lifestyle.  Among the artifacts are an ancient roman child's tombs, a skull.  Hammond believed that these items would carry the spirits of those past.  He also conducted paranormal experiments on the property with devices using bizarre electrical devices, including a Farraday Cage that facilitates communication with the dead.


Read more about Hammond Castle's Haunted History: