Bewitched - The Salem Saga!
In mid-1970, the Bewitched set suffered a major fire. In June, the cast and crew traveled to Salem, Magnolia, and Gloucester, Massachusetts to film an eight-part story arc in which Samantha, Darrin, and Endora travel to Salem for the centennial Witches Convocation. These location shoots marked the only times the show would film away from its Hollywood studio sets and backlot.
The episodes are really fun to watch and show some great shots around the cities.
You can watch all the Salem Saga episodes by clicking the following links:
Season 7, Episode 1 - To go or not to go, that is the question
Season 7, Episode 2 - Salem, Here we come
Season 7, Episode 3 - Salem Saga
Season 7, Episode 4 - Sam's Hot Bed Warmer
Season 7, Episode 5 - Darrin on a Pedestal
Season 7, Episode 6 - Paul Revere rides again
Season 7, Episode 7 - Samantha's bad day in Salem
Season 7, Episode 8 - Samantha's Old Salem trip
Much can be read about the episodes and filming experience, but a nice comprehensive article is available here.
Most fun is in episode 7 when Samantha's mischievous sister, Serena, courts an animated Fisherman's Memorial "Man at the Wheel" Statue at the HAMMOND CASTLE!
In mid-1970, the Bewitched set suffered a major fire. In June, the cast and crew traveled to Salem, Magnolia, and Gloucester, Massachusetts to film an eight-part story arc in which Samantha, Darrin, and Endora travel to Salem for the centennial Witches Convocation. These location shoots marked the only times the show would film away from its Hollywood studio sets and backlot.
The episodes are really fun to watch and show some great shots around the cities.
You can watch all the Salem Saga episodes by clicking the following links:
Season 7, Episode 1 - To go or not to go, that is the question
Season 7, Episode 2 - Salem, Here we come
Season 7, Episode 3 - Salem Saga
Season 7, Episode 4 - Sam's Hot Bed Warmer
Season 7, Episode 5 - Darrin on a Pedestal
Season 7, Episode 6 - Paul Revere rides again
Season 7, Episode 7 - Samantha's bad day in Salem
Season 7, Episode 8 - Samantha's Old Salem trip
Much can be read about the episodes and filming experience, but a nice comprehensive article is available here.
Most fun is in episode 7 when Samantha's mischievous sister, Serena, courts an animated Fisherman's Memorial "Man at the Wheel" Statue at the HAMMOND CASTLE!
When you're in Salem, don't forget to visit our famous tribute to Elizabeth Montgomery!
The "Man at the Wheel" fisherman's memorial is in Gloucester.